Adult Class

Painting Nature’s Textures in Acrylic


Mon - 01/20/2020    
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Valley Art Center
842 6th St, Clarkston, WA, 99403

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Painting Nature’s Textures in Acrylic

Offered at Valley Art Center


Catherine Temple

$120 + $5 supply fee
8 weeks – Monday evenings
January 6th – February 24th, 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Catherine will demonstrate the techniques she uses to create her award-winning wildlife and pet portrait paintings using acrylics. Each week you will focus on creating a small study to learn to paint bark texture, rocks, eyes, fur, feathers, color mixing, blending and glazing. In the final two weeks you will work on combining these techniques into a small painting. Previous art skills helpful, but not necessary. Catherine will provide reference photos and a few special items. A $5.00 class fee will cover these items and compensate the photographer for use of their photo.

Supply List

  1. Paper towels
  2. Few sheets of 8.5 x 11 printer paper
  3. Fine mist spray bottle
  4. Pencil and kneaded eraser
  5. Water container
  6. Toothbrush – old and clean or new
  7. Backing board – foamcore or gatorboard at least 11 x 14” size
  8. Blue painters tape
  9. Palette
  10. Brushes – synthetic brushes for acrylic
    1. Filbert or flat brushes -size #6 and #4 (or about 5/8” and 3/8” wide)
    2. Round brushes – sizes #0, #2, and #4 Cat’s tongue brush – optional size #4 and #6
    3. Oval mop or blender brush, or soft makeup blending brush
    4. There are many economical brush sets available at Joann Fabrics or Walmart that include these. Bring whatever brushes you may already have.
  11. Painting surface – Strathmore 400 series Acrylic pad 9 x 12” size plus an 8 x 10” canvas board or Ampersand gessoboard
  12. Paints: Titanium white, burnt umber, burnt sienna, quinacridone magenta, ultramarine blue, cadmium yellow light or primary yellow, cadmium red, pthalo blue (green gold, raw sienna, and buff titanium are optional.)
  13. Tabletop easel- optional
  14. Apron

Classes must be paid in advance.
Fees to be paid on first day of class to the instructor

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