Adult Class

Landscapes in Acrylic

Landscapes in Acrylic


Wed - 01/24/2024    
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Valley Art Center
842 6th St, Clarkston, WA, 99403

Event Type

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Landscapes in Acrylic
Offered at Valley Art Center
Catherine Temple
8 weeks
January 10 – February 28
10am to 12pm

Students will learn to paint skies, clouds, trees, and water. They will learn about perspective, rule of thirds, basic color mixing and glazing. Reference photos will be provided for the first 6 weeks. The last two weeks students will work on their own projects.
Supply List

  1. Apron or shirt to protect clothing
  2. Paper towels
  3. Fine mist spray bottle
  4. Pencil and kneaded eraser
  5. Tracing Paper
  6. Water container
  7. Toothbrush – old and clean or new
  8. Palette: I use Masterson’s Stay-Wet palette
  9. Brushes – synthetic brushes for acrylic, Round, Filbert or Flat
  10. Assorted sizes usually #2, #4, #6 and #12
  11. Oval mop or blender brush, or soft makeup blending brush – There are many economical brush sets available at Joann Fabrics or Walmart that include these. Bring whatever brushes you may already have.
  12. Painting surface – Four – 8” x 10” canvas panels or Ampersand Gessoboard
  13. Paints: Titanium White, Mars Black, Burnt Umber, Ultramarine Blue, Yellow Oxide or (Ochre), Primary or Cadmium Yellow, Primary or Cadmium Red Medium, Aliziarin Crimson, Hookers or Sap Green
  14. Tabletop easel- optional

Classes must be paid in advance.
All material fees to be paid on first day

Landscapes in Acrylic

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