Colored Pencil/Pan Pastels Workshop with Craig Ellertson

Colored Pencil/Pan Pastels
Offered through Valley Art Center
Craig Ellertson
September 9th – 10th
9am – 4pm
Colored Pencil/Pan Pastels
Craig has a supply list which can be obtained at the front desk.
There are also some optional items listed.
The instructor will supply the following packet
for purchase on the day of class. Cost $25
- Color Reference Photo (Rights purchased from “Reference Photos for Wildlife Artists”). Attendees are only permitted to use the reference photo and subsequent artwork for their own personal one time usage.
- Black and white lineart used for image transfer to drawing surface.
- Graphite sheet for image transfer.
- Tracing paper cover sheet to protect working surface while in transit.
- Uart 800 grade premium sanded pastel paper mounted on acid free foam core.
- Sanding pad.
- Mounting putty for lifting color.
The Colored Pencil / Pan Pastel list includes:
Pan Pastels, Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencils, and Prismacolor Pencils.
Some items on the supply list are indicated as optional if you are trying to cut costs. But assumptions are made that participants may already have some, if not most, of the supplies needed as this is a course for intermediate to advanced colored pencil/pan pastel artists.
Each participant should supply as many items on the supply list as possible to ensure completion of the art project if it is not fully completed during the workshop.
Required materials:
- Pan Pastels Colorless Blender
- Hand or Electric Pencil Sharpener
- Battery Operated Eraser and Refills
- Paper Towels
- Graphite pencil or pen for transferring image onto board
- Pan Pastel Soft Tools: 4 Knife set w/8 covers
All fees for workshops and classes must be paid in full a month ahead of first day of workshop.