Painting Nature’s Textures in Acrylic
Painting Nature’s Textures in Acrylic
Offered at Valley Art Center
Catherine Temple
$120 + $5 supply fee
8 weeks – Monday evenings
January 6th – February 24th, 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Catherine will demonstrate the techniques she uses to create her award-winning wildlife and pet portrait paintings using acrylics. Each week you will focus on creating a small study to learn to paint bark texture, rocks, eyes, fur, feathers, color mixing, blending and glazing. In the final two weeks you will work on combining these techniques into a small painting. Previous art skills helpful, but not necessary. Catherine will provide reference photos and a few special items. A $5.00 class fee will cover these items and compensate the photographer for use of their photo.
Supply List
- Paper towels
- Few sheets of 8.5 x 11 printer paper
- Fine mist spray bottle
- Pencil and kneaded eraser
- Water container
- Toothbrush – old and clean or new
- Backing board – foamcore or gatorboard at least 11 x 14” size
- Blue painters tape
- Palette
- Brushes – synthetic brushes for acrylic
- Filbert or flat brushes -size #6 and #4 (or about 5/8” and 3/8” wide)
- Round brushes – sizes #0, #2, and #4 Cat’s tongue brush – optional size #4 and #6
- Oval mop or blender brush, or soft makeup blending brush
- There are many economical brush sets available at Joann Fabrics or Walmart that include these. Bring whatever brushes you may already have.
- Painting surface – Strathmore 400 series Acrylic pad 9 x 12” size plus an 8 x 10” canvas board or Ampersand gessoboard
- Paints: Titanium white, burnt umber, burnt sienna, quinacridone magenta, ultramarine blue, cadmium yellow light or primary yellow, cadmium red, pthalo blue (green gold, raw sienna, and buff titanium are optional.)
- Tabletop easel- optional
- Apron
Classes must be paid in advance.
Fees to be paid on first day of class to the instructor