Painting with Pastels with Mike Beeman

Valley Art Center
Welcomes Back Instructor
Mike Beeman
September 7, 8, 9
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
9am – 4pm
Painting With Pastels
Class Supply List
- Vine Charcoal
- Carb Othello pastel pencils, black, white, gray (find on dickblick.com)
- Assortment of soft and medium pastels (Terry’s Best Loved Basics is an excellent set to start with (terryludwig.com)
- Some harder sticks such as NuPastels (dick blick.com)
- 9” x 12” newsprint pad
- Masking Tape
- Board to work on
1-2 sheets of 9” x 12” Canson Mi-Tientes Felt or Steel Gray paper (dickblick.com)
1-2 sheets OF Sennelier La Carte Pastel Card (dickblick.com)
1-2 sheets of 9” x 12” UArt #400 grade (dickblick.com) or (terryludwig.com)
Mike will cover the systematic process of blocking in, simplifying value relationships, working with the edges and more. Join in and bring your smile plus a desire to learn and have fun.
Bio: Mike Beeman of Cheyenne WY is an award-winning signature member of the American Impressionist Society, Pastel Society of America, and a Master Circle artist in the International Association of Pastel Societies.
$50 nonrefundable deposit will hold your spot. A payment schedule can be set up.
All classes must be paid for 1 month before class begins.