Water Color

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Water Color
Beginners – Intermediates
Instructor Robin Harvey
1:00pm – 4:00pm
April 9 through May 28
$120 – 8 week course
Class Supply List
- 2 sheets of Gemini Watercolor Paper #140 lb. (available for purchase at Wasem’s) quartered.
- A hard board (plywood or Gator Board to mount your paper on. Board should be at least 4″ bigger than the paper.
- An assortment of water color brushes (1″ wash brush to fine liner brush. Include a round, wedges, and flat brushes of assorted sizes). Bring what you have. Beginners start off with a set of assorted sized of Water Color Brushes.
- A cheap water color brush for masking (the size that comes with children’s watercolor sets).
- Salt shaker with salt in it. Different types of salt if you have them (table, course, canning, and rock salt).
- Small water spray bottle.
- 2 deep containers for rinse water.
- A multiple slotted pallet with a large space in the middle for mixing, the more slots the better.
- Paper towels
- Q-tips, toothpicks, a couple of nails, plastic wrap, Exacto knife.
- Hand-held hair dryer (VAC has some, but you will need one at home).
- Masking fluid (check to see that the bottle is not dried up).
- Paint – try to buy the best quality of tubes you can. Look for artist as opposed to student quality. I am a fan of Holbein brand. All brands have different names for colors so buy:
- Cadmium Red or Permanent Red (True Christmas like Red)
- Cadmium Yellow or Azo Yellow (Clean bright Yellow)
- Ultramarine Blue
- Cobalt Blue
- Cerulean Blue
- Alizarin Crimson
- Yellow Ochre
- Burnt Sienna
- Raw Umber or Van Dyke Brown
- Sap Green
- Hookers Green
- Phthalo Green or Viridian Green
- Cad Orange
- Gambose
Bring a sample of your water color work if you have painted before.
Make sure to tell Wasem’s that you are a student for a 10% discount
Sign up now to hold you spot. Class feed are due prior to class.